The story of the movie the book of eli is about a lonesome drifter eli in a post apocalyptic world. The book of eli written by gary whitta june 21, 2007 a civilization is destroyed only when its gods are destroyed. Eli has been traveling for about thirty to thirty one years, during that time he has formed many survival skills most of which allow him to do things that would be near impossible for a man his age believed to be late forties to earlymid fifties. Carnegie gets the book, which is the bible, and elis been blind all along. He is played by actor denzel washington, who also portrayed lincoln rhyme, john creasy and robert mccall. The book of eli is a 2010 american postapocalyptic neo western action film directed by the hughes brothers, written by gary whitta, and starring denzel washington, gary oldman, mila kunis, ray stevenson, and jennifer beals. In some ways it can be regarded as the triumph of intelligence over organized religion for only the two learned men, eli and carnegie, understand the. What was the was eli blind house of cards season 4. Im not ashamed to say i wasnt sure he was blind even toward the end. A man travels across a wasteland, carrying a mysterious and powerful book.
In the movie, eli is alone, finding what he can survive on. He looks up from his book at the sound of a polite cough o. Despite the two answers you have already received to the contrary, yes the character eli in the book of eli was blind. Elis power is further proved when one of carnegies men, redridge, tries to shoot him and misses. If he is blind how do you explain the accurate shots with the arrow. My view is that when you see what the book is and that hes blind that to me tells you god must. Most likely, redridge is giving solara a chance to escape carnegies regime.
This is the scene after they capture solaramila kunis and shoot eli. By the end of the film, carnegie realizes too late that he lost so many men trying to get the book, his remaining men arent enough to. Indeed, its something of a sunday sermon wrapped in a mad max adventure. Denzel washington in a world where it pays to be a loner. In the book of eli, what song does redridge the tall bald. He finds a small town ruled by a ruthless man, who attempts to take the book. Watch the movie very carefully, and its pretty apparent. The book of eli written by gary whitta june 21, 2007 a civilization is destroyed. Why doesnt redridge kill eli at the end of the first shootout. The script was conceived by english screenwriter gary whitta and then subsequently rewritten by american screenwriter. At this point eli turned around and a shootout with carnegies men ensued. In a surprising display of controlled storytelling by gary whitta, the book of eli is about religion but it aint religious. So he is now looking to get introduced to eli via the point of redridges gun.
Redridge fired one shot at eli with his pistol and by the sounds of it, completely missed. In a metaphorical way, eli is constantly walking through the valley of death psalm 23 and never fears any evil. Carnegie thinks the book eli is carrying will allow him to the take control of the illiterate people roaming whats left of the world, and eli finds a supporter and. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or instore pickup. And his muscle had the job of finding him that one book that was going to make it all easier for him. Remember, he had a crush on her the whole movie blocking her while she was getting elis canteen filled, bargaining with carnegie for her before chasing after them, even asking eli nicely to give up the book after the gunfight in.
Is eli blind in the book of eli the book of eli on imdb. After carnegies blind mistress claudia brings eli food and water, carnegie orders her daughter solara to seduce eli, but he rebuffs her. He comes across a woman with a broken cart asking for help. Eli has to feel the feet to see if there are boots on the skeleton. Carnegie is the main antagonist of the book of eli he is portrayed by gary oldman. Carnegie threatens to kill solara, to the dismay of redridge. In the very, very first version of the script where carnegie gets the book and shoots eli that was redridge. Redridge matteroffactly shoots a guard in the head, killing him. This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the the book of eli article. By the end of the film, carnegie realizes too late that he lost so many men trying to get the book, his remaining men arent enough to keep the town oppressed. Shop the book of elii am legend 2 discs dvd at best buy. Following orders from carnegie, redridge twice tries to shoot eli as hes walking away, but misses both times. In the movie the book of eli, was the character played by. Eli doesnt return the look, just continues crossing the street as the blind are.
Thirty years after a nuclear apocalypse, eli travels on foot toward the west coast of. Produced by joel silver, denzel washington, broderick johnson, andrew a. In the book of eli, eli only reacts to sound and the shopkeeper. Does this imply that he is blind and has been living completely by faith his entire life or is the punchline of the movie that he is the simply the last living man on earth who can read braille. In the book of eli, after eli denzel washington has shot most of carnegies gary oldman henchmen and redridge ray stevenson has already missed killing him twice, eli and redridge are facing each other in the street. Redridge recovers the book, with a locked flap, and gives it to carnegie, who releases solara. The story revolves around eli, a nomad in a postapocalyptic world, who is told by a voice to deliver his copy of a. Maybe some can willingly suspend their disbelief on this point, but my dad is blind and he used to have an entire braille bible. In the first house eli holes up in, he looks at the mouse, he roots through his bag, while moving his head to see better into the bag. A man of few words and many brave and horrible actions is what eli is. Click here to start a new topic please sign and date your posts by typing four tildes new to wikipedia. When eli encounters a group of road bandits, behind them is a tunnel structure with a bold 14.
This is not a forum for general discussion of the articles subject put new text under old text. He tells redridge to prepare the vehicles to pursue eli and recover the book. Book of eli is a wake up call for originality in both secular and christian movies. Thats followed by a gun battle where eli shoots many men, first with his handgun, and then his shotgun, with one such blast also getting carnegie in the leg. In the book of eli, what song does redridge the tall bald guy whistle while he has elis sword in his hand. The story revolves around eli, a nomad in a postapocalyptic world, who is told by a voice to deliver his copy of a mysterious book to a safe location on the west coast of. Carnegie orders redridge to shoot eli as he walks away but redridge misses twice.
Being a postapocalyptic movie, that writing can be. The gospel according to the book of eli popmatters. By wilson morales with films such as i am legend, the road and more recently 2012 captivating audiences, the hughes brothers picked the endoftheworld genre to seal their comeback after nearly a decade of hiding. He looks out the window the next day, moving his eyes to and fro to take in the situation. Is behind the wheel of carneiges truck during his pursuit of eli badass beard beard of evil. In the bible, the high priest eli was blind, and some might say that there are several scenes which may indicate that in the. Redridge entreats eli to surrender the book and eli tells redridge where he hid it. Eli wears dark sunglasses, as blind people often do. Eli has been traveling west for 30 years to get to a place where the book he is carrying would be safe. At this point, he knows hes dying, but perhaps still wants the best for her.
Solara mila kunis attacks carnegies gary oldman men and makes an escape, killing redridge ray stevenson in the process. Carnegie is a man who runs a town in a postapocalyptic united states and runs it with an iron fist with the help of his henchmen. A road warrior of a different sort, the title character played by denzel washington in the book of eli spends much of the story traveling by foot across an eerie landscape, a long and quick. The biblewhat it is and what it sayslies at the heart of this cinematic book. The book of eli stacks the deck in favor of good warrior eli, who only deploys his killing skills against those deserving punishment and turns down the temptations. The book of eli 2010 solara makes a stand scene 810.
A postapocalyptic tale, in which a lone man fights his way across america in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind. After eli shoots his way out of the town, redridge is able to bargain with carnegie for solara because eli killed enough men that carnegie cant afford to lose redridge. In the movie the book of eli we discover at the end that the bible eli has been carrying the entire movie is written in braille. With denzel washington, mila kunis, ray stevenson, gary oldman. Carnegie thinks that the bibles righteous scripture is the best way to keep the town under his control. Eli bumps the car door with his bag to gauge exactly where it is. The book of eli is a 2010 american postapocalyptic neowestern action film directed by the hughes brothers, written by gary whitta, and starring denzel washington, gary oldman, mila kunis, ray stevenson, and jennifer beals. The book of eli is, perhaps, the most explicitly christian film ive seen come out of the secular film industry since the passion of the christ.
Eli is the main protagonist in the 2010 dystopian postapocalyptic thrillerdrama film the book of eli. At the very end, when the camera zooms in on eli as he sits at the table on the ship, you can clearly see his eyes are covered by a white film, a. A number of people who were alive at the time of the flash still suffer burns, scars, and blindness from the event. His bible is written in braille, which is that dotanddash language books and signs meant for blind persons are written in. The book of eli ending explained i put this together myself after seeing people actually disagreed about this. We kind of just took redridge and adapted that to carnegie and his voice. The trees stripped of their bark and white like ghosts. Eli was blind before the war and after finding the bible and hearing gods voice he regained his sight until his task was completed finding a safe place for the bible this is why he did things a blind man would do and could read braille and also why is eyes were normal at the start of the film and clouded and the end.
According to imdb faq, yes he was possibly partially blind. We hear a baby crying in the background and redridge lifts his pistol to make a third shot, but then slightly tilts his head and doesnt fire. The bullet does not touch eli and it appears as though. Movies, tv, celebs, and more why did eli have to show everyone the back of his hands. Eli tells carnegie that he dreams of finding a town where the people need the book, but he tells carnegie that it is not here. Unable to read the bible in braille, carnegie gary oldman begs claudia jennifer beals to help him. The book of eli 2010 frequently asked questions imdb. Redridge fired one shot at eli with his pistol and by the sounds of it, completely. Elis primary motivation is faith, which is why he protects the book at all costs, believes his journey is a pilgrimage order by god, and is immune to all harm while he carries the book. Denzel washingtons character eli is blind in the movie book of eli. There are moments where you could construe he was blind only after you decided he was.
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